Its imperative to learn about this type of glass fromhands-on knowledge in order to get a true feel of how itlooks in, Green Glass Ball Suppliersand CollectorsNews, a print magazine, frequently features articles ofinterest to Depression Glass fans. Florences comprehensive book covers allthe known patterns with photographs and current pricelistings, short histories of the manufacturers, informationon detecting fakes and reproduction pieces, along with theproduction dates and colors of each design.Attending shows, joining clubs, and visiting antique shopsall provide opportunities to make friends with peoplewhove been involved in collecting Depression Glass somefor as long as 40 or 50 years.ndga. And then, when you do make the findof your life well, thats what its all about! All thosemistakes soon become laughable, fond memories when youproudly display your wonderful Depression Glass discovery! So get out there and make your start today or look for the next beautiful piece to add to your growing collection.Such tips as learning to use your tactile sense of feel todetect chips and cracks, holding a piece up to the light tohelp determine its authenticity, and other helpfulinformation usually come from personal relationships. Step 4 Meet and make friends with an expert! Theres nothing likehaving a mentor to guide you when youre in the process oflearning something new especially about Depression Glass.
Color, patterns, weight, moldmarkings even the bubbles of real Depression Glass holda uniqueness all their own. Until next time, Murray Hughes . Step 2 Go to glass shows and conventions, join Depression Glassclubs, and visit antique shops in your area that carry it. The most important thing to remember when you begin yourDepression Glass hobby, however, is to have fun! Even ifyou do make a mistake, get occasionally rooked with afake, or buy or sell something you later regret, youllalways have the experience of appreciating an interestingand fascinating hobby. Step 3 Subscribe to magazines, newsletters, and other periodicalsthat focus on collecting Depression Glass. All this,including the authors own personal anecdotes about thisaddictive hobby, make this book not only one of the mostuseful tools from which to learn about Depression Glass,but turns learning about the subject into entertainment, aswell.Step 1 Buy the latest edition of the book, The CollectorsEncyclopedia of Depression Glass by Gene Florence thatboasts a recommendation from the National Depression GlassAssociation. The NationalDepression Glass Association offers an online newslettersubscription on its site at www. Soon youll learn many, if not all, thecolors and patterns, and be able to distinguishreproductions most commonly made in Mexico and India from the genuine article.